Frequently Asked Questions
How much do Hearing Aids Cost?
The price of hearing aids at most providers is RIDICULUS! They want to charge from $3,500 to $8,000 for the pair of hearing aids. :(
We find that our prices are half the retail charges of most places! In fact, we have saved our customers over $2,000,000 !!
You can buy a bluetooth rechargeable hearing aid pair for $1,800! The premium hearing aids with all the bells and whistles goes for $4,200.
What is the return policy?
Each sale of hearing aids comes with a 30 Money Back Guarantee!
Some Third party hearing aids come with a 45 or 60 day Return policy.
Can you repair old hearing aids?
Yes! ANY hearing aid can be repaired!
Do not let anyone tell you,
"Oh, its 5 years old, it can't be fixed"
Yes it CAN!
We had one customer come in with a 12 year old custom in the ear hearing aid that was stepped on.
"Did you like the hearing aid before it was broke?" we asked.
"Sure" was his answer.
The Cost? $230 !!
No need to spend thousands replacing something that works!